3.9% + $0.25 Per Transaction
$199 Unlimited Yearly Subscription
Receive Multiple Payment Types
Accept all major credit cards: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. We also allow for bank transfers. Multiple payment options mean more overall transactions.
The 3.9% + $0.25 per transaction will not be visible to the customers or parents. Advisors will simply add the convenience fee to their regular cost of events or fundraiser items and list the total amount on their order forms.
Regular Cost of
Events or Items
Convenience Fee
Suggested Price
EXAMPLE | If you sell a box of fruit for $20 then you should charge at least $21.03 to cover your convenience fee.
Integrated fundraising email platform. Email fundraising made easy all from your dashboard. All you have to do is pick your donor list, write the message, add your donation link and we do the rest. Click send and your MoneyMail is on its way to your supporters. And guess what else...your existing donors and new donors are automatically added to your MoneyMail list. No more need to use a third-party system (Mailchimp or ConstantContact) - it’s all here in one place with better prices.
We Support Youth Agriculture
At ChapterPay, giving back is our top priority. That's why we support youth agricultural groups and donate a portion of profits, including scholarships, grants, convention sponsorships, and donations made to camps and state associations.